Winter Show

Hi all,

Just a few updates about the Winter Show this Thursday. 

  1. I have asked the children to bring in their costumes on Monday so I can check them and let you know if they are okay. If they forget anything on Monday they can bring it on Tuesday. 
  2. The children all know their lines but some still need a little bit of support in saying their lines out loud. Can you go through the lines again this week and ensure that the children are projecting their voices and saying the lines with emotion and feeling. 
  3. If you could also send in any shopping bags that you have on Monday as we will need one per child. 
  4. The show is at 10am on Thursday and we look forward to seeing you all there!


No homework or spellings this week!

No homework and no spellings this week!

If you can keep going over the lines that the children have for "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" that would be great. Ideally, they should know their lines off by heart this week.


Winter Play Costumes

There's a note going home with the children tomorrow that will outline what the costumes are for "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas".

If you could check this and go through it with your child. If you're unsure of anything let me know.

If anyone has a dog onesie could they let me know as we are trying to source one for the play!

Most of the children know their lines well but if you could continue reading these with your child at home and ensure that they are projecting the lines and reading them clearly.


Spellings 4th - 8th December

There's no written homework this week but the children will still have their spelling list. The spellings this week are:

  1. hop
  2. fit
  3. grin
  4. duck
  5. neck
  6. clock
  7. lick
  8. go
  9. no
  10. broomstick

And the Challenge Words are:

The thematic words (read, discuss, use) are:
  1. Magnetism
  2. repel (in terms of magnetism)
  3. attract (same as above)
  4. Winter
  5. The Grinch

Homework 21st - 25th May

Hi all, Here's an outline of the homework for this week. Spellings:  Please learn the list of spellings for the test on  Frida...